7 Tips for Reluctant Branders



Hi! Welcome to today’s training! Today, we are going to dive into branding for those of you that are reluctant to brand yourself. If that’s you, know that that’s me, too!

When I first started my business, Genius Communication, Ltd Co, I branded my business, but it soon became apparent that I AM my brand! No one said, “Hey, you should call that lady over at Genius Communication.” It was ALWAYS, “Hey, you need to talk to Sherri Wilson.” But here was the problem: I’m an introvert, and while I didn’t mind my name being out there, I sure didn’t want my face out there!

Until I learned this little nerdy fact—people like you the more they see your face.

Of course, I totally rolled my eyes and dismissed it for a while. But I knew it was true. I mean, think about it. All of those influencers on Instagram that you love and feel like you know…how many times do you see their faces and even a glimpse into their personal lives? What about the brands that never show a face? Don’t you find yourself wondering what they look like? Now that alone can be used to your advantage.

I follow an introvert that had herself in some of her photos but her face was always hidden. Just the curiosity of ever seeing her face kept me hooked! But I do believe I would’ve been disappointed if she ever included her face because that was part of the fun, the mystery. If that fits your brand and your business, go for it! Mystery is a great motivator in business!

why do you buy lucky charms?

When I used to eat cereal, I loved Lucky Charms, Cheerios, Fruit Loops, and Count Choculas. And I remember the day when generic cereal came on the market. I was like, “What the heck? No thanks!” And I was so poor back then, I was PO! I couldn’t even afford the OR! But there was no way I was going to buy generic cereal! Perish the thought!

Why did I have such a strong reaction? Because all of those cereals were BRANDS! There was a connection and story with them along with a quality that I just wasn’t sure I’d get from the generic, which by the way, I did have some generic Lucky Charms eventually, and they weren’t as good as the real thing. The taste and texture was different.

But the main idea is that we buy from brands we feel we truly know. Branding is a trust issue.

Sherri Wilson Clovis nm Genius Communication, Ltd Co

So let’s get you some tips and ideas to help you assuming you’ve already developed your brand message and personality. If not, go to my Brand Personality Quiz and get started!

tips and ideas

  • Make a quality decision to put your face out there. If you don’t, you will keep making excuses.

  • Plan on starting with at least two pics of yourself a week on your social media platform. These can be behind-the-scenes, at events, relaxing at home, enjoying a hobby—really anything that is consistent with your brand and creates a connection to your followers.

  • Research how to pose, take the pics, and edit them. JasmineStar.com and JennaKutcher.com both have tons of blog posts that will help you with this. Quite frankly, it can be awkward and difficult to pose for shots, especially if you’re an introvert.

  • Apply filters. This helps so much and allows you to brand your photos with the feel you’re wanting. If you look at CharCo on Instagram, they are neutral and moody. If you look at Hilary Rushford’s, hers are light, airy, and colorful.

  • Use the copy to truly connect with your audience. Allow your personality and values to come out in your copy. By being your authentic self, you’ll connect with those of your tribe.

  • If you just don’t feel you can pose for shots, hire a photographer that specializes in branding. It was one of the best decisions I made. A good brand photographer can pull you out of your shell and highlight your personality. If you can’t afford a brand photographer, hire a college student majoring in photography or a high school student that’s really good to grab some shots for your social media posts. But when it comes to your website, it’s worth the expense to hire a brand photographer.

  • And if you simply refuse to post your face, then use the mystery of never showing it. Take a look at TheSlowTraveler and see how she does it.


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