How I Stay Healthy and Fit!


I hope all of you are staying well during COVID-19. I’ve been wanting to write this blog post for a loooonnnggg time. And I decided today that there’s no better time than right now to share my must-have vitamins that help me stay healthy and strong.

But I want to be clear that I’m not telling you to take these supplements nor giving medical advice. I’m simply sharing the supplements I take and how they’ve helped me.

My Mono Story

December 13, 2007, my husband and I were at an intersection in my hometown when I commented that I felt I was coming down with a cold. I remember saying these exact words, “I’m sure it’s just a cold and I’ll be good in no time.” I didn’t recover until December 2011!

Long-story short, I had chronic Epstein-Barr that had turned into mono. I guess I’d been sick for a while. And then after the mono, my immune system was so out of whack that I was allergic to corn, eggs, soy, gluten, peanut butter, blah, blah, blah.

On top of that, I’d gained 50 pounds! I was borderline insulin resistant, had a fatty liver, my kidneys were struggling, and my body was inflamed. It was a sad, sad situation.


PA Dan Otero Changed My Life

In 2011, I was finally able to get health insurance, and I went to see PA Dan Otero at Trinity Family Medicine. I’ll never forget at my first appointment, he told me we were going to get to the bottom of why I felt so bad and close all those doors! He was not kidding! Over the next several years, we worked, mostly with supplements and essential oils along with diet changes, to reverse all my health problems, which laid a foundation of health that I follow to this day.

A huge part of my health strategy is eating keto, being gluten free, and exercising four to five times a week. Three is all that’s needed for most, but I love training and try to get in at least four workouts a week. Diet and exercise to me is the largest part of my health strategy because vitamins can’t do their job in a body already broken down from bad habits.

My Favorite Vitamins

  • 7-Keto. I first learned of this supplement from PA Otero when a blood test showed that my raw testosterone levels were those of a 90-year-old. I gained immediate energy, improved muscle tone, weight loss and maintenance, and increased libido.

  • Vitamin D. This one also was extremely low when PA Otero took my blood tests. Vitamin D helps with depression (think sunny days and vitamin D). But I mainly take it to boost my immune system, especially during this COVID-19 madness.

  • Fish oil. This is THE oil that sent body inflammation packing! It also helped to increase my good cholesterol, decrease my bad cholesterol, and restore my liver.

  • Magnesium. Not too long ago, I was hurting! Lower back, hips, upper back, even my toes! I realized that I hadn’t been eating as much raw spinach, which is full of magnesium, and decided to use a supplement. All the pain left.

  • BHB salts. This is mainly to help me on my keto diet. If I don’t take this, I’m nauseous all of the time.

Young Living Must-Haves

On top of those supplements (I mostly buy the Vitacost brand), I use several Young Living oils and supplements. I’m a huge believer in their products.

  • Inner Defense. This capsule supports the immune system and has Thieves essential oil blend in it. Thieves is based on a formula from back in the Bubonic plague that kept four thieves alive in spite of robbing dead victims’ bodies! I only take as needed when I feel ran down or I’m fighting something.

  • Thieves. I put this oil blend on the bottom of my feet each night.

  • Immupro. This is a chewable that I take with Inner Defense when I feel ran down. It’s full of antioxidants and essential oils.

  • Lavender and Lemon Essential Oils. I take one drop of lemon and three of lavender essential oil in a capsule daily. Lavender helps with allergies and one drop of lemon is more powerful than taking vitamin C.

In Summary

And that’s it! Like I said, I’ve used these for years.I feel like a 20 something even though I’m about to be 47. And I am strong, healthy, and able to maintain my weight easily.


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