Mr. Jospeh's Movie Debut!


Joseph is unlike any cat I’ve ever had, and I’ve had cats my entire life. Most cats eat, sleep, and use the litter box. They will only let you hold them or pet them if it’s on their terms. And they can be quite “catty” in their attitude.

Not Joseph! You can pick him up any time to love on him. He’ll give you hugs and head nudges to let you know that he loves you, too.

He’s fascinated with toilet paper and tissues. He loves violently rubbing his paws on windows, in bathtubs and sinks, or anything with a smooth shiny surface.

And when he’s ready to lay down, he loves “making biscuits” on soft blankets or sweaters. Recently, he discovered himself in the mirror. He’s the most laid back, lovable cat I’ve every had. 🖤


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