Put Your Vision in Your Closet!
Hey guys! Welcome to this week’s podcast. Before we get started, let me ask you if you’ve ever done or tried to do a vision board? How did it go? Did you use it daily and allow it to guide you in decisions and actions? Or was it like my previous experiences where I made my vision board and never looked at it again. I also made a digital vision board in Pinterest and would forget to look at that one too. I mean, the entire purpose of a vision board is to use your vision to actually look at it, right?! Until I did this one thing. But before I get into that, let me tell you briefly what a vision board does and how to make one that works.
“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.”
The Power of Vision
I don’t want to get too technical, but it’s important to understand how your subconscious works. Your subconscious is like a computer. Its only job is to execute the commands you give it. If you tell it (with belief and emotion) that you can’t do something, it will make sure you can’t. If you tell it that you can do something, it will make sure you can.
You see, all thought is real and determine actions. Recently, my good friend and kettlebell coach, Coach Greg, and I did a Vision Workshop class where we discussed setting vision and how the subconscious works. We explained that many set vision or goals and never do them because they don’t understand the subconscious nor recognize when it’s resisting them. So you either sit down to do your vision board and plan your year only to draw a blank or you feel that it’s too overwhelming and walk away. That’s the subconscious. You’re trying to give it data that opposes its current data. And if the new data isn’t backed by belief and emotion, you won’t be able to overcome the old data.
One of the quickest ways to retrain your subconscious is through the visual gate.
go big or go home
But creating a vision board of a whole bunch of things won’t work either. Your brain filters out the unnecessary even if you don’t want it to. That’s where the emotion comes in. Neurons that fire together wire together. The firing is the emotion felt behind the thought. For that reason, we suggest that you only put those items on your vision board that are an 8-10 on a scale of 1-10.
Some of you might have a lot of things you feel are 8-10 and be overwhelmed by the sheer number! Here’s another filter for you—only pick those items that your willingness to accept change and learn is also an 8-10. If your willingness to accept change and learn isn’t there, there will never be change. That means that if you have only ONE item on your vision board, that’s better than 10 items!
the power of the closet
This last thing is kind of weird and unexpected. As I was saying earlier in this podcast, vision boards never worked for me until I put mine in my closet! I know. It’s strange. But it works! And then I found out that it works for others.
When I first did my vision board, I had it in my office. I had it in my bedroom. And it became another piece of wall decor. But when I hung it on my closet, I found myself pausing and gazing at it with anticipation of fulfilled vision. This coupled with my aspiration journal has done more to help me reach my goals and build my dream life than anything else.