This Sucks. 3 things to do something about it!


Anyone else feel that way? This entire COVID-19 thing absolutely sucks. I’m not concerned about the health aspect for me and my family. We’re very healthy. However, I do feel bad for those who are seriously ill or families whose loved ones have died. But my heart is struggling with all the small businesses out there that are having to close their doors. Some might not ever reopen.

Isn’t it crazy that just a few days ago, we were all working on our business projects, client work, and getting ready for spring? And now I’ve literally spent the entire morning removing all scheduled posts for my restaurant clients who had to close their doors and send 90 plus employees home. It’s absolutely heart breaking. And I wonder how many others will have to do the same thing.

As I sit here and literally feel myself going down dark rabbit holes of what-ifs and how-longs, I decided to do something about it.

  1. Use my own tools.

  2. Pass those on.

Don’t Stop Dreaming

The word “dream” is an Old English word that meant “joy, mirth, and gladness.” Today, it means “to form in the imagination, devise (plan).” I want you to intentionally dream, imagine, and plan your next business launches, levels, products, and expansion. Write down what you want your business to look like after all of this is over and then in one year, in five years, and in ten years. Then reverse engineer the steps you need to take to make your dreams come true and execute them!

Dreaming inspires hope, joy, and gladness. It gives you something to focus on as you walk through what’s difficult.


Create hope and happiness

The most dangerous are those without hope. Hope anchors us when things get rough. And hope and happiness go together. Here are some scientific ways to do both:

  1. Learn new things. Science shows that this inspires hope and happiness because the brain thrives on new. I think it’s because as long as we’re learning new things, we’re alive!

  2. Become expert in your field. This goes along with number one. This is a perfect time to take that online course, read that book, and become even more expert in your field.

Express intentional gratitude

It’s hard to be fussy when you’re making a gratitude list. Any time I’ve gone through difficult times, I kept an on-going gratitude list while at the same time thinking and praying for those going through worse things. It’s awfully hard to be mad at not finding toilet paper when others have died.

Gratitude for friends and family, your job, your business and that you’re healthy and whole. Don’t forget to express gratitude for the things you like about yourself. Many overlook this, but it’s just as important.

In summary

I hope this helps you like it has me. And in writing this, I realized that the best way to stay away from negative dark holes is to help others. Find someone to help during this time. Practice all precautions, of course. Even if it’s just calling one who’s more scared than you, buying groceries for the elderly, or feeding the neighborhood kids peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, find someone to help. 💛


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