Q. I've already got a website and Google presence. Do I need this course?
A. The best investment in business is our education. If your online brand isn't bringing you customers, yes, you need this course. There are things in this course that can take your online brand to the next level or give you tools that you weren't using yet because you didn't know they existed or how. Like do you know which element in website design equals 90% of turning visitors into customers? Or the most effective way to get Google reviews using your Place ID? And are you boosting or doing actual ads? Boosting is the biggest waste of money! You need this course!
Q. I've not started my business yet. Will this course help me anyway?
A. I love this question! Yes, it will! Why? Because you will start off strong! You won't have to go back and do all the work. You'll have your marketing system in place from the beginning communicating professionalism and competency right off the bat.
Q. I'm very busy. How much time do I need to set aside each week to do this course?
A. Some binge it like a good Netflix show. Others do a lesson a day. Some a module a day. It really depends on you. The entire course is a little under 12 hours. You can literally execute all that's in the course and launch your online brand in one day. It really depends on you. I highly recommend that you schedule it like a doctor's appointment. I tell my clients that business always comes first. If you have it scheduled and need to take care of business, reschedule your course time right then! And I don't mean busy work. If you stand to make money, reschedule! If you just don't want to do it so decide shredding papers is more important, don't. Get to your course work!
Q. I've done other courses and been disappointed. How is yours different?
A. The first thing is that I've been an entrepreneur since 1998 when I opened my first business, Computer Training Services, that taught people how to use computers and computer software. I've had clients that didn't even know how to turn their computers on! Most were 50 and over that were intimidated by technology but were forced into using computers to stay in touch with family members who loved tech! What makes this course different is it's simplicity. All the noise and confusion is eliminated. I also broke everything down with step 1...click here...select this...etc. It's also screen recorded and the steps outlined in your workbook. Complex things are broken down into simple steps along with some best practices and design elements.
Q. I'm a [FILL IN THE BLANK] type of business. Will this work for me?
A. This course and marketing system is for any business whether it's a brick and mortar business with a large staff, a mom and pop shop, a solopreneur, an online business, personal trainer, real estate agent, non-profit organization, dentist office, doctor's office, chiropractor, grocery store, restaurant...you name it! I've designed it specifically for the non-techies on a shoestring budget, but any business--big or small--can use the system outlined in this course.
Q. How long do I have to access the course?
A. This course is a lifetime-access course. You can access your lessons next week, next year, or 10 years from now! And as I regularly update with new content or changes to existing practices, you'll be the first to know!
Q. I've been in business for a long time and have done just fine. Do I really need a website, Google listing, and Facebook presence?
A. COVID-19 has changed the business landscape forever. I'm not saying this to scare you, be dramatic, or make a dime. I'm very prosperous with my current business. Before COVID-19, I was an "online brand presence preacher" telling all of my clients that they must get on Google and have a website! After watching the businesses that had an online presence adjust and adapt during the pandemic in comparison to those who had no idea how to use technology and had no presence, it became increasingly clear that it's no longer optional. I mean, look at your own business post COVID-19. You tell me if you think you can continue business as usual.
Q. Is it really a shoestring budget? I mean, I've heard that before, and it's usually hundreds or thousands of dollars to create a website and market online.
A. When I say, "Shoestring," I mean shoestring! I'm not even playing when I say you can do everything minus the Facebook ads for $0. I recommend a bare minimum of $15 for a domain name. And if you want to rock it the easiest, $216. These are all current prices for a domain name at GoDaddy and website at Squarespace, my two favorite companies. As far as Facebook ads, I show you how to run your ads for literally a few dollars a day, less than your favorite coffee at Starbucks. I used to be so poor, I said I was po because I couldn't afford the or! I understand little to no budget for sure!
Q. I'm technically challenged. Seriously, things just don't work for me even when I follow the steps! Can I really do this course?
A. Yes! Believe me, I understand. I have those clients that "weird things" happen to that don't happen to anyone else! One is named Latriece. She's an interior designer in my hometown. I've seen it! I designed this course to take into account anything that could happen, but if you're one of those lacking a "green thumb" for technology, I'm a phone call, text message or email away!
Q. I'm worried I won't have enough time? Can I go at my own pace?
A. Yes! You can go at your own pace. I designed this course with your busy schedule as a busy business owner in mind. You can complete this course in 4 hours, 40 days, or 4 months! Whatever works for you. And if you do each step as you go, you'll have your online brand launched by the end of the last module! Or you can do each module and then go back and implement each step. However you want to do it is up to you!