How would it feel to have everything you need to open hearts and wallets? No sales-y, slimy tactics required. No loss of words—ever. 🤯
i’m about to unlock the mystery of persuasion for you 🤫
Have you ever watched someone sell ice to an eskimo and thought, “Some people have it and some people don’t.”
What exactly is that “it?” It’s the mysterious power of persuasion—the ability to convince, entice, and influence. Some seem to possess the gift of persuasion naturally. I mean, seriously, they’d be able to persuade a flea to give up its dog! But for the rest of us, persuasion is a mystery that seems impossible to crack. I’m here to crack that baby open.
You have a product or service that is valuable to your community, and you need to be able to articulate its value in a way that triggers a sale.
If that strikes a nerve, stay with me.
Inspire Trust 🤝
The brain immediately looks for two things—trust and competency. You’ve got the competency part. I’ll help you with the trust part. Inspiring trust isn’t magic. It’s not even charisma. It’s science.
Create Rapport 🫶
Rapport literally means “come back.” You want such stellar communication skills + your excellent product or service that you become a linchpin—people can’t imagine doing life and business without your product or service. Pssst…research shows that people do business with those they like even if their product or service is more expensive or lower quality!
Flip the Like Switch 🥰
We’re diving into some FBI techniques here into the realm of likability using science, natural laws, and brain hacks. Charisma might be natural for some. But charisma is also a learned skill.
Improve All Relationships ❤️🔥
This training is NOT just for business purposes. The things you learn apply for all of your life and relationships. You can’t get away from the need to communicate well. Marriages. Children. Friends. I’ve seen all of these improve teaching my clients the things you will learn in this course.
Improve Your Emotional and Mental Well-Being ✨
Yes, a persuasion (a.k.a. communication) course will improve your emotional and mental well-being because we dive into Emotional Intelligence (EQ), which is the #1 predictor of success! You will have the tools to transform mental and emotional patterns that no longer serve you or are harming your work and personal life.
I want you to imagine…
…a customer walking into your store. You do what most do and ask, “How can I help you?” to which she responds, “Oh, I’m just looking.” You nod, smile, and tell her to let you know if she needs anything.
In the past, you would’ve gone back to what you were doing before she came in, but now you know to stay close but not too close as she browses creating an assurance that you’re there if she needs you but you’re not pressuring. You then expertly and unobtrusively observe body language, personality, and facial expressions as clues on whether it’s time to offer assistance, let her keep looking, or pull out the item she expressed interest in and close the deal.
Because you know her trust currency within a few minutes of her coming in, you know how to persuade in a way that builds trust and rapport. You know whether to be detailed. You know when to get straight to the point. You know that when you hear the dreaded, “I need to discuss this with my spouse,” it’s the truth or a kind “no.”
You expertly use your body language to set your customer at ease while at the same time using her body language as clues to what she’s thinking.
And at the end of your interaction, you’ve created an experience where she feels understood, valued, and truly listened to meaning she’s leaves a fan even if she didn’t buy anything. You tapped into what’s called, “emotionology,” the ability to create an intensely positive experience that lingers long after the interaction.
You effortlessly eliminated that weird tension that taints all first interactions between strangers first doing business with each other—the distrust, the fear of being pressured or manipulated, and the “you’re only in it to make a buck and I don’t matter” perspective.
take this scenario into your real estate business, network marketing business…really any business where the ability to persuade and communicate well is a must.
The problem is that you’re…
…not going to find a simple, easy system that breaks down the art of persuasion in a way that translates into the real world and actually grows your business and makes you more money in business school or your typical sales training.
High-pressure sales tactics or vague communication principles won’t cut it. The sales culture has changed, and principles don’t go deep enough into how the customer standing in front of you is perceiving you, themselves, and the customized experience you need to give them. One size does NOT fit all.
You know your product or service will help your customers.
You wouldn’t have started your business if it didn’t.
But knowing how to communicate that effectively is a mystery.
This course is for 👇
✔️ This is for small business owners who want to grow their business and dominate in their market.
✔️ Business staff members that want to improve customer service and retention.
✔️ Real estate agents that are serious about building their business.
✔️ Employees that want to stand out above all peers.
✔️ Those in sales (if you think about it all of us have to sell in some form and fashion.
✔️ Non-profits that want to empower change and grow.
✔️ Introverts that are tired of the anxiety and lack of know-how.
What You’ll Learn 👇
Personality Style Strategies
Every business owner knows about personalties. You know, the DISC personalities or the Briggs-Myers, or the good ole simple choleric, phlegmatic, melancholy, or sanguine types.
But how do you use that information strategically to inspire trust and establish rapport within just a few minutes of meeting your client?
It’s all about speaking their trust currency, tapping into their motivations, and avoiding their fears.
This is THE key for most of my success. Within minutes, I’m able to spot which personality my client is, how I need to adjust my communication for his trust currency, how much information and resources to give, and what NOT to do.
I’ve been told this module is “golden,” “da bomb,” and “crucial.”
Body Language in Business
This module has been called an “x-ray machine” because it teaches you how to use body language to “see” what’s going on inside.
Like do you know what stance will result in more “no’s” than “yes’s” and how to intercept it? Do you know which gesture is a sign that your client wants to buy from you but doesn’t have the funds?
Ninety-three percent of communication is non-verbal. You’ll learn micro-expressions, postures, gestures, stance, pitfalls to avoid, and how to use body language in business, selling and negotiating, and public speaking.
This is the “nerdy” part of the course.
I can’t tell you how using body language has kept me from bad deals, helped me close deals that I was losing, and how to present myself in a manner that inspires trust and confidence.
Flip the Like Switch
Some seem to have a natural charisma. But for those of us who don’t, I’m here to tell ya that charisma is a learned skill, too.
We’re going to deep-dive into a FBI technique to turn enemies into spies and to get criminals to confess.
You’ll learn how to assure the brain you’re safe using the #1 no-cost tool in your toolbox, four science-y ways to build rapport and know if you’ve done it and if you’re losing it, the one thing to do right that most don’t, a formula to help you listen attentively even when you are bored, and three clients to avoid at all costs!
This module takes body language even deeper into the realm of likability using science, laws, and brain hacks.
All of us want to be liked. Heck, we need to be liked in order to be successful. This module teaches you all you need to know to be likable. And it’s easy and fun.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the #1 predictor of success in business and in life.
Emotion means “to set in motion.” And your story of life—the good things, the bad things, and the ugly things—make up your emotional landscape. It’s how you’ve processed all of those things that can make or break you.
Like have you ever found yourself reacting to a customer or vendor knowing that your reaction was harming your relationship and costing you business, yet, you can’t stop? That right there is an emotional intelligence issue.
In this module, you’ll learn what emotional intelligence is, what stress is, how to recognize hidden triggers and trauma, negative emotional habits and how to break them, emotional vanities that distort your perspective and how to change them, techniques to transform your emotional landscape for the better, and how to stop overwhelm and anxiety.
This is the cherry on top that will promote your success instead of hinder it.
Let’s talk about bonuses. The cherry on top!
+ LIE DETECTION. Yes, you read that right. I’m going to teach you how to be a human lie detector. What does this have to do with business you ask? Do you know what people lie about the most during negotiations? What’s the number one tell-tale sign of a lie? And how do you get to the bottom of something if you suspect a lie?
+ NON-VERBAL DIGITAL STRATEGIES. This bonus shows you secrets that pros use to create websites and marketing campaigns that work. Crazy stuff like pupil size, babies, and the F-Factor. You’ll also learn safety tips for interacting with customers online and so much more.
Yes! Most of my early clients were employees or worked somewhere and had a side hustle. And most of my local clients were business owners who wanted to me to train their staffs. If you work for a living, this course will help you.
Absolutely not! I can’t tell you how many courses I’ve had to do that with. Of course, I wish I’d started earlier but I got them done! This course is for those who are serious about their business and willing to do the work. You start when it’s right for you!
This course is for anyone who wants to persuade better whether you’re a business owner, have a side hustle, or an employee. Anyone who wants to better themselves professionally and personally can take this course.
This course is a lifetime course. You can complete it today and then access it again years from now! And you’ll have access to any updates and new training I add.
Absolutely! This course was designed with the busy entrepreneur in mind. Each week, you’ll receive a new module. You can watch a lesson a week or take your time and really establish the techniques and information into your business before starting the next module. Some go through all of it within 4 weeks and then go back. Whatever works with your schedule. The most important thing is to schedule it in!