4 Self-Care Apps I Love!
Hey, guys! Welcome to this week’s training. I’m taking a different approach this week by focusing on some self-care apps I’ve been using for several weeks now that I love. You might not think of self-care as part of your business plan, but every entrepreneur that’s been in business for even a few days knows how important self-care is! Lol! And it’s often the first thing we sacrifice. You don’t have to sacrifice. And the beauty about apps is they help you stay focused.
“Self-care is a requirement.”
Fabulous app
I love, love this app! I first downloaded it just to see what it was like for a future project I might do. I’ve tried other “habit apps” but wasn’t impressed. This one is fun and effective! Under “What Is Fabulous?” on their website, they write, “Fabulous was incubated in Duke University’s Behavioral Economics Lab led by Dan Ariely. Fabulous will help you build healthy rituals into your life by employing the same method that elite athletes and successful entrepreneurs use to rise to the top of their games. And now it can take you to the top of yours.” It’s a coaching app that uses behavioral sciences to help you create long-lasting habits that serve you well. You can’t jump ahead. You have to earn the right to add another habit, which makes you want to keep going. And then the colors, the coaching, the nighttime coaching before bed, the sounds, the encouragement, the rewards, and the feel just makes it the best! It’s like you’re in your story with a coach helping you along.
This is an intermittent fasting app. I became interested in IF (intermittent fasting) to control hunger. I’m very healthy and disciplined but have more hunger than I’d like even eating plenty of food. After researching I discovered that IF can help that. So I jumped in with their beginner fast, which is a good 12 hours between eating each day. If you have your last food at 9 PM, you don’t eat until 9 AM. After a week of that, I then was able to fast through one meal. I’ll probably keep up the 12 hour plus one meal twice a week. It has helped with hunger a lot! Just like Fabulous, their alerts and different fasts you can choose make it easy to use. Fasting isn’t always easy but their app is! Their tagline is “Fasting Made Simple.” They have great articles to help and challenges. You can also hire a coach if you want.
This one is more than an app. It’s a smart clock with a smart app! You might think at first glance that this is an overpriced clock. But it’s designed to help you sleep better. Listen to this from their website:
“Ann's long nights awake with her first baby and Dave's ongoing struggles with insomnia sent them on a quest to make sleep easier, beginning with Rest and Rest+ for little ones and expanding to adults with Restore. Featured on "Shark Tank" in 2016, Hatch (formerly Hatch Baby) has quickly grown into a leader in sleep by taking what's proven to work and making it simple — Hatch products are designed to help you sleep better, starting tonight.”
You use the app to set up your “go to sleep” cycle. You can start with a reading light (yes, it has an awesome light on it) for a set amount of time then it goes into the “Wind Down” cycle where you can change the color of the light and its intensity along with some sounds to help you start relaxing, and then finally a sleep cycle that will play for however long you want or until you turn it off in the morning. You can cycle manually through by touching the top as well as adjust the volume and brightness of the light on the Hatch itself. I love waking up to birds chirping in a forest and sleeping to the sound of a small creek or rain at night. Living in a house of five adults can really interrupt sleep, but with the Hatch, I don’t hear a thing and sleep deeper.
This app is all about quote, “Horizontal Happiness.” On their website, it says, “Achieve your best intimate life through a mix of science, stories and practical exercises created by experts, curated for you.” You might be thinking what does a healthy sex life have to do with business. Again, you’re a whole person, a person that’s more than a business owner. Sex is a very important part of your business plan. It’s reduces stress, boosts your immune system, and your general overall feeling of contentment. But not if it has become a burden or low on your priority list due to business and other family obligations.
It has helped me so much! I’ve learned that I’m a responsive desire person meaning, I have to attend to my desire fire and this app helps me do that. One of the best parts is the journeys, which are guided step-by-step articles that instruct you and help you overcome issues. It has a weekly exercise and fun polls. They even have playlists, a way to track your desire pulse, and experts you can talk to. I’d say a close second is the Rosy app and then I love the Ultimate Intimacy app because it’s Christian based and aligns with my beliefs about sex, which isn’t being prudish by any means.
There you have it. Four great apps to help you with creating great habits, intermittent fasting, sleep, and sex. What more could you ask for?!