New Adventures of Mr. Joseph


Spring has been a season of new things for Mr. Joseph! The first huge new thing is going for daily walks! Since Joseph is so smart…plays fetch, gives hugs, talks to you, etc., I wondered if he’d go for a walk. Now I’ve had cats all of my life and any time I’d put a collar and leash on them, they stiffen and fall over. Lol! I put the collar on Joseph and off we go. In the video below, he was a little unsure at first because of all of the horns honking in the background.


You can see in first three rows of pics that he’s being quite vocal about his walk. First, he’s setting next to his collar because he wants to go outside. In the second and third pictures, he’s meowing obnoxiously to go on his walk.


The next row reveals some of his new hiding places. Under a shirt, under the shower curtain, and in a drawer. I was changing out winter clothes for summer, and he decided to camp out there. And he’s so heavy (17 lbs) that he broke my drawer. But I was able to fix it.


And, finally, he discovered that he likes sleeping on the master bedroom ottoman and sitting on our dining room chair. But the biggest surprise to him this year was a bath. Since we moved into our new home May of last year, I hadn’t taken one bath. So I decided it was time. He just didn’t know what to do. The bath had been his play area and all of a sudden it’s full of water and I’m in it! It was funny. He kept walking back and forth trying to decide whether to jump in. I’m very glad he didn’t. I could just imagine the shock, the scrambling to get out, and all of the scratches I’d get in the process!



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