Let Me Introduce You to Mr. Joseph


Joseph was born August 1, 2016. My son and daughter-in-love rescued his mom when she was itty bitty. We all bottle fed her and me and my husband baby sat her. She is Grandkitty. Yes, we’re obsessed. Lol! Anyhoo, she snuck out one night and got pregnant by a hairy-legged cat named Tom. I knew immediately I wanted one of her kittens. She had five. Two were gray and three were black. Joseph was the only male. He was also the one with the most personality. I’ve had cats all of my life and never had one like Joseph.

In this inaugural blog about him, I want to share a few of his favorites activities:

  • He loves to play fetch.

  • He is a master photo bomber.

  • He likes to talk and will hold entire conversations.

  • He loves to hug.

  • He loves to drink out of the faucet.

If you listen to any of my podcasts, watch any of my videos, taken any of my courses, or follow me on social media, you will see and hear him.


Three Things I’ve Learned After Combining Households Part Two


Three Things I Learned After Combining Households Part One