Mr. Joseph Undercover


Little known Black Cat Fact: They get colder faster than non-black cats. From the time Joseph was a kitten, he’d disappear for hours. I’d find him nestled under the blankets, in a drawer, in a cabinet, or under anything he could find.

He’s also very playful. He’ll “hide” behind clothes, trees, and anything else that he thinks has him covered. My husband and I will be those weird cat people that play along saying, “Where’s kitty? Have you seen kitty?” Joseph will meow and peek out so we can find him. I think he loves the now surprised happy tone of, “There him is! There’s Joseph!”

I was panicked two days ago! I could hear him meow but couldn’t find him. I looked in all of his usual hiding places and even outside in case he slipped out (he’s never been an outside cat so that sent me into a panic). After frantically searching and on the verge of tears, my husband came back from getting lunch and said he’s in the couch. He’d somehow gotten between the liner and the couch! We had to lift the couch so he could get out.

  • He loves anything bowl like.

  • He loves drawers but a cabinet will suffice if necessary.

  • He likes to hide under paper and behind trees.

  • He immediately jumps into any box or bag around.

  • He loves to hide under bedding or be the bedding on my husband’s face.

If you listen to any of my podcasts, watch any of my videos, taken any of my courses, or follow me on social media, you will see and hear him.


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