The Most Shocking Result from My DNA Test


I finally caved. Out of straight-up curiosity, I purchased a DNA kit from I pretty much knew that I had a lot of British in me from England and Ireland. I really, really hoped I had some Scottish only for the reason I love Braveheart. Lol! I also knew I had probably a quarter French from my grandpa Raper (used to be Rapier but they took the “I” out…at least it’s not Rapist!) And I had an idea I might have a small amount of Spanish. There were rumors of some Native American but my dad firmly said that’s not true and don’t be Elizabeth Warren (btw, I do have more than her 0.03 to be exact). I shared the live process in my Instagram Stories if you want to check it out.

The Results

As expected, I’m 50% plus English and Irish (no wonder I fight within myself so much). I’m a quarter French like I expected; although, the DNA didn’t know if was German or French so I’m going with French since I know for a fact my great grandfather was full French. I then found out that I’m 5% plus Scandinavian. Had no idea! And can’t give my husband a rough time anymore for being an uncivilized pagan Viking. I have about the same amount of Spanish in me. And it appears I have more Neanderthal traits than 75% of those who take the test. Wow. Ok. What does that mean? Oh and one of the traits I don’t have for sure is a Neanderthal hairy back. Awesome. Thanks for letting me know. 

But then it got into the traits like I found out that I am more prone to mosquito bites. Knew that. I’m more likely to not like cilantro. Yep. I probably won’t get bunions or dandruff. Good to know. I probably won’t like chewing sounds. Nope. Hate them. And I have a longer second toe but no unibrow. Yep! But here’s the trait that really got me:

More than likely to have a fear of public speaking.

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My first thought was, “Doesn’t everybody?” Come to find out not everyone fears public speaking even though it’s the number one fear in America even surpassing the fear of drowning. Personally, I fear drowning more than public speaking. 

My second thought was, “Wait, fear is in your DNA?” Let that sink in. An emotion in my DNA. Years ago I learned that emotions can be passed down through the DNA—good or bad. I wasn’t sure I really believed it. And, yet, here’s an emotional tendency in my DNA. But that’s not what really shocked me. 

What shocked me the most is that in spite of the fear of public speaking literally written in my DNA, I overcame that fear and publicly speak all of the time! 

This revelation was proof that the only thing stopping me from achieving all of my dreams is my own mindset. The only thing stopping you is your mindset! The mind is extremely powerful and can overcome even DNA! 

My First Public Speaking Experience

Almost 17 years ago, I was asked to conduct the Sunday morning service at my church. Yeah! No “start small” for me! Let’s conduct a freaking church service on a Sunday. Not Wednesday! That’s be too easy. 

I spent a couple of weeks preparing. A few days before, I started feeling overwhelming fear and anxiety. Sweating. Nausea. Tremors. Weak and shaky legs. Dry mouth. Headache. I fought it with all I had and stepped up to the podium and started my sermon. All the anxiety disappeared in a moment probably because I was passionate about the topic and focused.

Once I was done, I was so proud! I did it! Unfortunately, the anxiety I felt before was still there. I’d created an anxiety loop meaning my body was so used to being anxious that it didn’t know how to get out of it. I tried everything. Finally, after four days, the anxiety began to ebb away. That’s when I learned the power of negative thinking and emotion loops. I determined to never let that happen again, and it hasn’t. 

Quick tip: One thing I do is say out loud and with enthusiasm, “I’m excited!” 

It works. Or I’ll hold the superman pose for about two minutes. I don’t get as anxious as I used to unless I have more people than expected or it’s a new situation. I think another reason I don’t get as anxious is because I’ve grown as a person and am more confident. 

In Summary

I’m sharing my story with you because I want to encourage you and empower you to go after your dreams but also to DO THE HARD THINGS! That’s the only way to overcome fear even fear written in your DNA! 

As an introvert, I’ve learned that it is possible to be true to who you are as an introvert and also do the things that are naturally uncomfortable for you like attend events, work a room, speak publicly, and all of the stuff that serious entrepreneurs must do.

Every. Single. Entrepreneur must be able to present and sell. In fact, you won’t stay in business long without those two skills. 

Here are some tips:

  • Reframe anxiety as excitement using the tip I gave you earlier.

  • Reframe sales as you simply being a trusted advisor who listens, understands, and solves others’ problems. 

  • Retrain your brain. Instead of saying, “I can’t do that,” ask yourself, “How can I do that?” Do you need to practice? Hone your skills? Read books? Or take a course? When you immediately say, “I can’t,” your brain gets lazy and stops looking for solutions. But by saying, “How can I?” you’re training your brain to solve your problem. 

I suggest that you make a list of your greatest fears and start overcoming them one-by-one over the next year. And if you really want to accelerate your success, write down every negative thought and thing you say and stop the negativity!

You are powerful. You got this! 


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