My EXACT Process for Setting Up Systems and Processes

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Hey guys! So today I want to talk about something that has been super hard for me to do and figure out. Systems and processes for my business, especially social media content creation and posting! It’s so dang overwhelming. And I thought I had it figured out but then I wanted to go the next level, and I created a mess! Kind of like when you remodel a room or even just paint a room. That room looks worse during the process.

 Here’s what happened. 

I was regularly posting on Instagram mainly letting my Facebook die a slow death. I wasn’t even doing what I was preaching to my clients—either keep up with your Facebook page or delete it!

I used to not think it was that important other than you needed a page for your Facebook ad. But then I noticed when people Google a business or person, their Facebook page is right up there in the search results. Plus I was teaching Facebook marketing at the Chamber and knew I needed to up my game for sure. 

Now as far as Instagram…like I said, I was doing good. Regularly posting. Having a blast. And growing my followers. 

But I also knew I needed to step up my game and get ORGANIZED. 

Wow. I had NO IDEA how much work it was to set up systems and processes to help me consistently post high-value content for my tribe! 

Have you ever watched the show Hoarders? That’s how my thoughts, ideas, etc. felt. A huge hoard and I didn’t know where to start. 

Then I decided to add my blog posting to the mix.

Oh, and start writing the script for a new podcast.


And like any good business woman, I decided to do absolutely nothing with anything until I figured it out! 

I know. I’m shaking my head right now. 

 So I took a deep breath, went into incognito, and put my head down to figure out a system and process that works for me.  

I wanted to share my process in discovering my processes so that maybe you can get some ideas for your own systems and processes.  

The Journey Began

First, let me define what a system is.

It’s “any formulated, regular, or special method or plan of procedure.” It’s taking the complex to make a whole. 

My goal was to take the complex and fragmented blogging and posting non-system I had and create a cohesive whole that would help me create content and schedule it out at least a month in advance. 

A process is “a systematic series of actions directed to some end.” 

My goal was to create a series of actions that would allow me to create and organize all of my content and my time toward the end of regularly and consistently producing content with as minimal time as possible. 

And so the journey began.

I first decided to go to the best and see how THEY do it like Jenna Kutcher, Jasmine Star, and Amy Porterfield. 

They helped me figure out what to post and blog about with definite systems. For example, Jenna taught to have 5 types of blog posts and rotate them like: 

  1. Teaching

  2. Personal

  3. Business Topic

  4. Product

  5. Podcast

 She said that these should be divided up into categories like:

  1. Solve a problem

  2. Answer a question

  3. Set expectations

  4. Entertain

  5. Educate

She then recommended a 5 paragraph essay format of:

  1. Intro

  2. Three main points

  3. Closing

Bam! I had my organizational structure and set about braining storming ideas and collecting content using her model. 

This was very beneficial because she suggested writing down what you’re passionate about and using those things for topics and posts.  I decided to expand my topics to include my keto journey, products I like to use, some health things, emotional intelligence, true crime, faith, communication/relationships, introvert stuff and anything business. 

She also suggested personal and professional posting categories. So I busted out notes on my iPhone and began to collect my thoughts including photo tips and all of my ideas. 

After getting all of my ideas, categories, etc. in my notes, I needed to figure out scheduling and organizing them onto a social media calendar. 

I Googled social media calendars and downloaded two that had the best reviews.

They look so complicated! I’m sure it’s just a perception but all those fields to fill in and then all of the platforms to think about. Nope. 

So I decided to reduce the platforms according to the Gary Vee principle of spending 80% of my time on my main ones that bring me the most results and 20% on those that I’m learning. I narrowed that down to one: LinkedIn since I’m a B2B. 

I created a content rotation categories column of teaching, personal, business topic, product, and podcast. Instead of times to post my content, I’m putting in the hours when my fans are on Instagram and Facebook as a quick reference because I’ll schedule them all in Plann based on that data.

I’ll definitely use the social copy section to write out my copy for at least the week with the goal of the month and the notes section for any miscellaneous info I need to remember. I’ll then upload my pics and videos into Plann and might rearrange the order based on how they look in there. 

Because this is a new system for me, I’m not sure if it will work, but here’s what I want you to see: 

  1. I gathered parts of what works for others and am making them my own. 

  2. I’ll tweak as I go so that my process is more and more efficient and effective.  

Creating your own systems and processes by taking fragments from others’ processes and systems and then tweaking means that you will actually use what you create because it works for YOU! 

This is important. No one size fits all. You are unique and for that reason, it’s important to make it work based on, well, how you work. 

Here’s a summary of my process so far:

  1. I’m finding that doing a brain dump and keeping track of ideas in notes is crucial for me as the first step. 

  2.  I then set aside one day to capture all of my pictures and videos (unless I need to do some videos the day of).  

  3. In order to actually enjoy getting all of that content, I create a rocking playlist to listen to!

  4. I then plug all of my ideas and content into my calendar making sure I’m using my rotation categories.

  5. I then get to work editing all of my pictures and video. 

  6. Once edited, I import them into Plann and arrange as needed to make sure aesthetically pleasing or I re-edit a photo so that it fits when I really need to post it. 

  7. I then schedule each of my posts in Plann after copying and pasting my copy from my calendar complete with emojis.

  8. I then restart the process.

I’ve continued adding ideas into my notes as I go. I pay attention to what people are asking me, needs I see my clients have that I can solve, and I regularly scroll through my favorite influencers for ideas for blog posts, pictures, and podcasts. I don’t copy them. I’m inspired by them. 

I’m not going to lie. Setting up this process has taken the most time. And then putting all of that data into my content calendar is no joke either. It takes a lot of energy because you’re creating, planning, and thinking. 

By the way, don’t forget Instagram Stories. This needs to be included in your content calendar. It’s growing fast and is a very effective way to build engagement. Unfortunately, I’m a little behind in this area. So I’ve purposely gathered video and picture content for my IG stories especially personal content, which is perfect for IG stories. People want to know you. They also want to know your secrets. 

Like Gary Vee says, you have to know that you’re a MEDIA COMPANY FIRST and what you do is second. 


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