Find Your SEO Words and Phrases in Seconds!



SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is how Google finds and ranks your site, which then helps your Potential Customers (P.C.’s) find you! SEO is the use of keywords and phrases in your content, meta data, and webpage titles that your Potential Customers (P.C.’s) are searching for so your site comes up in the first page of Google search results. Ideally, you want to be in the top three of the search results. But how do you know exactly what your P.C.’s are searching for? 

The Two Easiest Ways

Google and Pinterest are the two easiest ways to find out what your P.C.’s are searching for related to your products/services. This does require that you know who you target market is and the problems they’re trying to solve. You might have several target markets. Each needs to be fleshed out in detail so that your content speaks directly to them creating a trust and connection. But you also need to know so you can have a starting point to find the words and phrases they’re using. 

For example, I manage Facebook pages and ads for local businesses. I also train entrepreneurs how to do so effectively. I typed into Google “social media marketing” and before I even finished typing, Google finished my thought with these top searches:

  • Social media marketing

  • Social media marketing tips and tricks

  • Social media tips for businesses

  • Social media for business

I cleared that search and started typing “Facebook marketing” and got:

  • Facebook marketing tips

  • Facebook marketing strategy

  • Facebook marketing ideas

  • Facebook marketing basics

It works the same way on Pinterest. Start typing your phrase and Pinterest brings up a list of what people are searching for.

A Couple of Websites I Use

 To go even deeper into what your P.C.’s are searching for, especially if you don’t know where to start, go to and type in a topic. It will show you visually what people are searching for concerning that topic that you can use as a jumping off point for your Google and Pinterest searches. 

Another good one is Instead of having to type in keywords and phrases in Google or Pinterest, you simply type in one word and gives you an entire list of phrases people are searching for that contain that word. 

Once you have your keywords and phrases, make sure they are used in your content like the about page, home page, your blog, etc. Change all of your page titles to include some or all of those keywords and phrases when you can. If your website platform allows, put them in the meta data as well. Some are eliminating that ability because Google is looking at your content more than meta data now. If you’re a business that mainly works with other local businesses and individuals versus an online business, includes your hometown and state.

A Final Tip

Update your Google My Business listing regularly! Add posts. Add pictures. Update outdated information. Google loves that and will increase your site ranking in its search results. I usually update mine and my clients’ every two weeks. 


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